This update is to keep readers in the loop as to what is coming down the pipe in the near future, here at Old Sins.
-Within a few days, I will submit my largest blog posting yet. It will discuss and examine possible sources for the urban myth that the Villa Montezuma is haunted. The complete text of four articles are reproduced as further aid to researchers. Hopefully, this piece will lead readers to find the true magic of the Villa. There is no need to make-up fairytales.
-The kindle sourcebook of articles on the Villa Montezuma from 1887-1889 is nearing completion. It will incorporate my two previous chapbooks as well as a great deal more. This will most likely be the last word I will say on the Villa Montezuma for a long time.
-Aside from a couple of history-related projects (Masonic and other), there will be only one or two more postings involving Old Town. Then, my involvement with Old Town will be concluded.
-An informational primer on Castle Dare (peripherally related to the Villa) as a pdf will be offered as a free gift to readers.
-A brief discussion of the original "flying saucer" from 1947 and the Ho-229.
-Possibly a transcription of the Herald's report of the trial of Antonio Garra. This newspaper account is really quite dramatic!
-Whatever else I can think of...