Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Stephen King’s DOCTOR SLEEP – twitter project

I am a fan of twitter-fiction and the like. I have been inspired most recently by the blog, Bible Summary, ( by Chris Juby. Mr. Juby took it upon himself to summarize each and every chapter in every book in the Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments) in the form of a tweet–140 characters, one tweet per chapter. A very intriguing and highly skilled endeavor. He released one tweet per chapter per day over the course of more than three years. Since then, the entire work has been compiled and made available on in the kindle format (

Thusly inspired, I will attempt a similar task with a bit of a twist. For the work that I choose, I will summarize each chapter (or section therein) in the form of a tweet. But instead of Holy Scripture, I will be choosing from works of fiction! For example, Frank Herbert's Dune series, Stephen King's It (1987), or maybe The Terror by Dan Simmons; even Tolkien's The Silmarillion are possible choices for later tweet-summaries. However for this first adventure, I think I will start with...Stephen King's Doctor Sleep.

To this end, I will be tweeting out a 140-character-sized summary of each section within each chapter on a regular schedule.

To start this project off, the tweet-summaries comprising all the sections of Chapter 1 of Stephen King's Doctor Sleep are presented below. Subsequent tweet-summaries will be offered every other day on facebook and twitter until the project is completed. This will begin on April 1, 2015.

Stephen King's DOCTOR SLEEP

Chapter 1 Lockbox

01-01:The fire at the Overlook Hotel left one dead and two badly injured. Only the child, Danny, escaped harm...physically at least.

01-02:Danny's mom lived with spinal pain from the Overlook fire. In early 1981, Danny saw something that made him stop talking.

01-03:Visited by a ghost, expected by the part of Danny that shone. He told his mother there was a bad thing in the bathroom. She knew...

01-04:She looked anyway and wished she hadn't. She saw the leavings from the ghost...Danny was right.

01-05:The other survivor from the Overlook, Dick, arrived. He and Danny both shine. They talked about the ghost. Dick brought a present.

01-06:Danny tells Dick about the ghost. They talk about bad people, bad spirits and shining. Dick reassures Danny concerning the ghost.

01-07:Dick tells Danny about his sadistic grandfather and how when he died, he came back as a ghost. They discuss the nature of the dead.

01-08:Dick said that the shining made ghosts more real. He gave Danny a box and taught him to make a like place in his mind to trap ghosts.

01-09:When the ghost returned, Danny was ready. The ghost smiled and so did Danny. Then the ghost screamed!

01-10:After reassuring his mom that all was well, Danny smiled. He could hear screaming from the lockbox in his head. It would fade soon.

01-11:Two years later, another ghost appeared. Danny was ready and put the ghost in the mental box. He thought he was safe...He was wrong.


Stay tuned for Chapter 2 on facebook and twitter!

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