Tuesday, December 17, 2013


As a historian, I am called not only to research and publish in my chosen specialty, but also to make as much primary research material available.

I do this not only because I like the idea that others, perhaps more insightful than myself, might read these primary sources and come up with an entirely different understanding than what I put forth. But I also do this, present primary sources either in the original as here or transcribed - see my future kindle releases - because I respect my elders. I believe that if something was felt to be important enough to write down and publish or significant  enough to record for posterity, then I can certainly make sure their works are still available to this very day. This is my prayer-work.

To that end, I present THE MASTER MASON, a magazine published by San Diego Lodge No. 35, F. & A. M., August 1951, Vol. XXIX, No. 8. Reproduced from the collections of the San Diego Public Library, California Room.

Click here to download THE MASTER MASON

This particular issue commemorates the first 100 years of Freemasonry in San Diego. It is an excellent record of the Craft.

As the opportunity presents itself, I will make more like documents available.


Special thanks have to go to the San Diego Public Library's California Room for preserving wonderful materials such as this.

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